Dolf's Room
Stichting Ipse de Bruggen
completed 2013
16 m2
Martin Kers
René Bouman | Andrea Möhn
© Möhn + Bouman Architects
Severely mentally handicapped people mostly live in harsh, prison-cell like conditions, to protect themselves and their environment. This housing unit is a test case to address this issue in another way. By greatly exploring new techniques and materials we were able to create an environment that is molest-free and friendly at the same time. Carefully tailored sensory experiences helped to create a rich environment that contributed to a much greater wellbeïng of the particular patient.
Wall imagery:
Project architect:

"To change something you've to understand how someone is as a person".
(Andrea Möhn - architect)

"In the case of Dolf we saw that changing the physical environment that was the beginning of changing is behaviour".
(Linda van Beelt - IPSE)

"His social skills have improved immensely".
(Eric Wortelboor - Dolf's brother)